Note to all: This is a long, self-indulgent post aimed at only a few people (forgive the length it's been a long time). I'm aware that life is short, so I've included a tldr at the bottom. Please forgive any spelling, typos and punctuation mistakes.
Like a Poundland Lazarus or that hippy bloke with the beard who got nailed to a bit of wood, I’m returning back to the land of people and hopefully will stick around for a while.
Already known as the quiet sort, over the past 3 years I’ve managed to take the art of silence to levels that would make Stephen Hawking green with envy (note: this was written pre-Hawking doing a dead, which indicates just how long these words have been stewing).
First, let me start by addressing a couple of scandalous rumours. Concerning the rumour, I was kidnapped by two hot, nubile Scandinavian blonde chicks and forced to have vigorous sexy time on an almost bi-weekly basis. That definitely never happened although if you did want to start that rumour I wouldn't object. I can also confirm that my anus has not felt the warm tingle from the long arm of the law. My sphincter is as tight and puckered as it ever was. As to whether I lopped off little Steve, donned a frock and now go by the name of big sweet Sapphire, I can neither confirm nor deny.
It would give me immense pleasure to be writing to tell you that I've been far too busy embarking on dangerous life-affirming adventures, pondering deep philosophical views and occasionally getting laid to contact you. Unfortunately, that would be a lie. The truth is I've been hiding from you guys because I've been battling depression and anxiety for a long time. It was easier to hide rather than face the shame I felt in telling you guys what I've been suffering.
Social anxiety and depression have long been a part of my life. Even going back to when I was at Newport I struggled to cope with it. It led me to stop attending lectures, make very few friends and choose to only work on my own. I can’t help but feel guilty about how I attained my degree and how I wasted my time at University.
I’ve always managed to just about stay in control, however, things began to escalate whilst I was doing my Masters degree. Although it was only a yearlong course it was an incredibly intense period with little downtime to relax. I was growing increasingly anxious and began finding myself having to allow extra time in the mornings to build up enough courage to open my front door and step out. I began having a beer with my breakfast to dampen the encroaching fear but quickly realised this could only lead me down an even darker path so stopped. A good day would be spent in the computer room unnoticed. A bad day would be spent in bed; staring at the ceiling, unable to get up.
I kid myself I’m at my happiest when I’m on my own, but after a year of actually living on my own, I felt deflated, unbearably lonely and utterly defeated. By the time I was meant to begin my final project I was really struggling to cope and would have given anything to give up. The only thing that stopped me was the thought of my devastated parents. Their belief in me has never wavered, even if at times it may be unjustified. I spent weeks putting off coursework, telling myself that tomorrow would be a better day and I’d start it then. Sometimes it did feel better and I was productive, sometimes I was engulfed by the shadows (not the 50's rock and roll group led by Hank Marvin).
I was getting very behind on my coursework so I attempted to get an extension. I lied to my lecturers that I'd had a sudden death in my family. It's a complex minefield choosing which beloved family member to kill off (pretend kill of course). Offing the wrong granny who proceeds to turn up at your graduation can cause all sorts of awkward situations. Pretending your hamster snuffed it and you’re too upset to work doesn't cut the mustard with those heartless fat cat university administrators. You don't want to jinx death on any old aunt or uncle who is healthily nimble. I chose to resurrect my poor cousin John, he had died several years earlier so I felt I was safe in killing him off again (poor guy couldn’t catch a break even in death). My genius ruse was scuppered early however upon learning I’d have to provide a death certificate to be granted an extension. I actually spent more time looking to see how easy it would be to fake a death certificate than I had worked on my project. I quietly, what else, dropped the family death ruse and accepted I'd have to begin work.
It came as no surprise when I failed the course and would have to resubmit my work. Being back at home with family support helped control my depression somewhat, I was able to focus long enough to produce a better final project and gained my Master's degree. I now had two degrees and felt no pride in achieving either.
Around this time I was still in contact with you guys (my pre-hidden days). I'd promised I was going make an animated infographic about the process of brewing beer for a friend. I struggled to achieve anything productive and never made the video. I'd just sit in front of my computer and zone out, choosing anything but work whilst pretending to everyone that I was super busy.
I attempted to help another friend by providing a walking animation for a game he was making. I did a terrible job and although he was too polite to say it (yes I'm really talking about Ollie), it was fucking awful.
I'd managed to avoid meeting up with you guys since we'd finished Uni. I always had the excuse that I couldn't afford the travel costs which although slightly true wasn't the proper truth. We’ve shared incredible moments in our lives like that time we queued up on a cold boring November night to buy Modern Warfare 2, or that time Ollie walked into my room whilst I was having a wa.... on second thoughts let's forget about that one. I’ve smelt the hideous results of your previous evening’s meals more times than I care to mention and should have felt happy and excited at the chance to meet up again. I didn't feel happy though, I only felt shame. I was beginning the process of pushing you away.
You threw a Spanner in the works by attending a gaming convention in the lovable shithole known as Coventry. This time I knew I couldn't use my old reliable `too expensive’ excuse, the ticket would only cost a fiver so I agreed to meet up. The week before we were due to meet I could feel my anxiety rising, it only got worse as the week went on. I didn't sleep, barely ate and I knew what I was, or should I say, what I wasn’t going to do. I lied to my family as I feigned excitement that morning, I parted with a `don't wait up for me’ as I left to get the train to Coventry. I spent the next five hours wandering the streets of the future UK city of culture in a daze, feeling utterly hopeless whilst trying to dodge an occasional dollop of dog excrement. That’s the day I switched my phone off and started to hide. I still have Pete’s unopened text from that day on my phone; I keep it as a reminder that one day I’d like to hit reply.
If you're still reading at this point then let me commend you for your perseverance, it's been tough to admit how I feel. You're probably now at the point where you're asking yourself this is all great, but why the flip didn't you just let us know all those years ago you were struggling? It's a very good question and one which I ask myself regularly. The flippant answer would be because I'm a fucking idiot who needs a good slap and to `pull himself together’. I wish it was as simple as that though. I wish I could silence the nagging voice in my head that constantly defeats me and drags me down.
I suffer from a debilitating desire to push away the people who care about me to the point that they give up, find it’s not worth the effort and leave me alone. I’ve always understood negativity much better than positivity.
All too quickly a day turns into a week. A week turns into a month. A month turns into a year until it’s been over three long fucking years. Like that bearded guy that turned a fish into wine (I may have that wrong), I managed to turn a simple message explaining that I wasn't feeling well all those years ago, into the bloated rambling apology you're reading now. Intermittently throughout the last three years, I've attempted to write an explanation of where I've been. Sometimes it never got past the first sentence, sometimes it ran pages deep. All got deleted.
This could very well end up the same way unless you're reading it, in which case I’ve either accidentally hit post instead of delete (in which case please discard this message), or maybe I’ve finally managed to step out from my hiding place.
Depression and anxiety can make you an incredibly selfish person; everything revolves around you and your current mood. It’s ruined jobs for me, relationships, friendships and made me miss monumental moments in the lives of people I care about. You won’t know this and I’ll never admit it to your face, but I think about you guys every day. I really hope you're happy.
I haven’t gone near Facebook for a long time but occasionally I get an email about something I’ve been tagged in. The email never shows the contents of the message but from the title alone I get the general gist of what's happened. I know of at least two major moments in your lives that I’ve missed. I just don’t have the words to say how truly devastated I am that I couldn’t muster up a simple congratulations.
I don’t want it to seem that life is all doom and gloom for me. I can still have fun and have a laugh. I have an amazing family that has put up with my shit for far too long. With their support, I’m finally beginning to open up about my problems. Life is still not where I want it to be, but I'm trying every day to inch it forward. Some days are better than others but that's the same for everyone. Around early 2016 my brother (he’s a solicitor but don't hold that against him), had an idea that we could make an animation explaining the conveyancing process to sell to solicitors. He wrote a script, provided the vocal talents and I began animating the video. For the first time in a long time I felt motivated and together we produced a `not too bad’ video. My days are now spent selling and personalising the video to law firms across the country. It's by no means flying off the shelves but it keeps me busy and the feedback has been very encouraging. I don't earn much from it but it’s my own little business that makes enough to pay my monthly bills with enough left over to save a little for myself.
So what has made me decide that this is the time I’m really going to push post instead of delete? I certainly don't want your sympathy and I’m well aware that I’ve left myself open to ridicule with this post.
It’s simple.
I've missed you guys.
If you read this and send a reply, and I really hope you do. Bear with me as it may take me a few days to gather my courage to send a reply back. I promise I will reply though. My email address is so you can always send me a private message there.
I'd love to end on some sort of interesting profound message, unfortunately, I'm a twat who's rarely profound and has never been interesting so let's try this. Hi, I’m Steve and I hope we can be friends again (just don't enter the room if I'm masturbating).
(tldr version: Oh BooHoo I’ve been a wee bit sad)
Lots of love, Steve x
Tuesday, 3 July 2018
Monday, 29 July 2013
Howard's Way
Hello World,
Maybe it’s because I’m a dreamer or maybe it’s because I’ve never worked in a corporate environment before, but whenever I see bankers or big business men spouting nonsense on the television, I automatically assume they are secret fetish wearing deviants who take late night trips to playgrounds and ride seesaws together and maybe go down slides as well. Taking inspiration from this unsettling thought I decided to introduce a seedy undercurrent to the animation. Before long I’d redesigned my two main characters to be greedy bankers enjoying a good old late night seesaw session whilst wearing ladies underwear, happy in the knowledge that they are filthy rich.
The thought struck me in the middle of the night whilst I was thinking about bankers secretly wearing ladies undies that it might be nice to have an additional character involved in my animation. The new character (I’ve called him Howard) will also be a frilly knickers wearing banker/business man who is sat on the floor getting electrocuted in some sort of kinky sadomasochistic act. Why I hear you ask? I have no answer.
Anyway I think this probably says more about me than I’d like to admit in pleasant company so I’ll quickly move on by showing you my design for Howard.
And here’s a simple looping animation test I made of him being electrocuted.
Well I hope you all found that electrifying…sorry.
The end.
Saturday, 27 July 2013
Neon This! And Neon That!
Hello world,
I’m back with another fabulous if slightly boring blog about my on-going e4 sting adventure. Today I started putting together images of dilapidated buildings for the background of my animation and whilst they were all very nice and dilapidated I felt they could use a little oomph! But what on earth could give my buildings the desired spark I required? One word - Neon! (I’ve just realised you probably guessed that from the title).
Below is a bunch of designs I made on an A4 sheet of paper of possible neon lights designs. Naturally I decided to go down the slightly sleazy route as it turns out there are no classy neon lights.
With a few designs picked I then somehow managed to force the paper into a Photoshop so I could make the image glow like a neon light. It can be seen below.
Finally I made a simple animation of the light in action.
I’m back with another fabulous if slightly boring blog about my on-going e4 sting adventure. Today I started putting together images of dilapidated buildings for the background of my animation and whilst they were all very nice and dilapidated I felt they could use a little oomph! But what on earth could give my buildings the desired spark I required? One word - Neon! (I’ve just realised you probably guessed that from the title).
Below is a bunch of designs I made on an A4 sheet of paper of possible neon lights designs. Naturally I decided to go down the slightly sleazy route as it turns out there are no classy neon lights.
With a few designs picked I then somehow managed to force the paper into a Photoshop so I could make the image glow like a neon light. It can be seen below.
Finally I made a simple animation of the light in action.
after effects,
e4 sting 2013,
neon lights,
Saturday, 20 July 2013
The Unusual Suspects
Hello world,
As another hot summers day drifts by here comes another ruddy blog post. Today it’s a quick character sheet I knocked out for the two business chaps that’ll be appearing in my e4 sting.
Will another blog post be coming soon?
The end.
As another hot summers day drifts by here comes another ruddy blog post. Today it’s a quick character sheet I knocked out for the two business chaps that’ll be appearing in my e4 sting.
Will another blog post be coming soon?
The end.
Project Infidelity
Hello world,
It’s been far too long since I last plopped out some wonderful
words into a blog and you’re all probably wondering what the hell has happened
to the Beatles animation I promised you months ago? Well its well on its way (I
promise), however I have to admit that I’ve recently been cheating with a newer,
fresher more attractive and younger project that won’t get me sued Paul
McCartney and Yoko Ono for using copyrighted music.
TV channel e4 every so often do an e4 sting competition to
advertise the e4 channel e4. The rules are simple. The sting has to be 10
seconds in length and must feature the e4 logo and use the e4 music that they supply.
The content of the sting can be anything you want within reason (here’s a link
if you wish to enter). Enticed with the whiff of fame and fortune (£5000 first
prize) I thought I’d give my creative muscle a flex pump and throw my hat
(metaphorical, I don’t own a hat) into the ring. I thought it would be nice if
I got brewing a regular blog again detailing the journey of making an e4 sting
for an e4 competition to design an e4 sting for the e4 channel (the first blog
will be a little introduction about me entering the 2013 e4 sting competition).
A lot can happen in ten seconds; you could fall in love,
shoot a pigeon, fall in love with a recently deceased dead pigeon (necrophilia
and bestiality all rolled into one lovely perversion, I’m sure somebody must
suffer from this (not me)) or you could
slowly or quickly (depending on your speed) walk up a flight of stairs. My idea
for the 10 second e4 sting is two business men going up and down on a seesaw for
ten seconds (I’m not joking but seeing it written out like that I’m not sure
it’s a good one). Whether I can make this stupid idea entertaining enough to
win a shiny prize or get shown on a television that isn’t mine remains to be
seen, but that’s the idea I’m going for.
Below are some quick visual representations of ideas that entered my brain
whilst I was thinking about making an entry for the e4 sting competition. I’m
not going to explain them.
More to come soon.
The end.
Thursday, 23 May 2013
We All Live Where?
Hello World,
I’ve been busy beavering away on my little Beatles animation and it’s finally starting to take shape. I’ve finally completed all the backgrounds and the animation itself is well on its way. So to reward you for your patience dear reader, I thought it would be nice to show a little screen shot.
Get it while its hot guys and females as this is beginning to look like it’ll sadly be the last animation I do for a while. I hope you like it.
The end.
I’ve been busy beavering away on my little Beatles animation and it’s finally starting to take shape. I’ve finally completed all the backgrounds and the animation itself is well on its way. So to reward you for your patience dear reader, I thought it would be nice to show a little screen shot.
Get it while its hot guys and females as this is beginning to look like it’ll sadly be the last animation I do for a while. I hope you like it.
The end.
Wednesday, 1 May 2013
Hello world,
I thought it was about time that I put my graduation film onto the internet for the world to see (well the two people that read my blog anyway). So here's David in all it's glory. I hope you like it.
David from Stephen Craner on Vimeo.
I thought it was about time that I put my graduation film onto the internet for the world to see (well the two people that read my blog anyway). So here's David in all it's glory. I hope you like it.
David from Stephen Craner on Vimeo.
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